What We Do

We source, process and market premium specialty ingredients.

We originate from an extensive network of producers and suppliers, and seamlessly deliver to precise specifications worldwide.

Our uniquely-integrated supply chain extends from our North American base to our global subsidiaries. This reach – and the associated trading, processing and port operations – give us extensive sourcing capabilities.

We work with our customers in mind, every step of the way. Bluvita promises:

Personalized Service

We develop creative, efficient and tailored solutions to satisfy our customers’ and suppliers’ unique requirements – on time and within budget.

Smooth Shipping

We arrange for reliable and efficient logistics. Annually, our logistics team delivers over 1,000,000 metric tons by truck, rail, vessel, barge and container utilizing our ports around the world.

Efficient Processing

Through third-party processing facilities our products are prepared and packaged to exact customer specifications.

Quality Assured

Our products are audited and assured from farmer’s field through end-use. Our extensive in-house and third-party laboratory network performs product testing throughout the supply chain.

Markets We Serve

Feed Markets

Dairy, Poultry, Pet Foods.

Food Markets

Milling, Baking, Brewing, Ingredient Processing.